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7 Common Weight Loss Plateaus and How to Break Through Them

Congratulations! You’ve successfully lost some weight and you’re feeling great. But then, something strange happens – your progress comes to a screeching halt. Suddenly, no matter what you do, the numbers on the scale stubbornly refuse to budge. Don’t worry; you’re not alone! This is a common phenomenon known as a weight loss plateau, and it can be frustrating to say the least.

In this post, we’ll explore seven of the most common weight loss plateaus that people face and provide practical tips on how to break through them so that you can continue on your journey towards achieving your dream body.

How to break through weight loss plateaus

fitness, dumbbell, vegetables

There are a few key things that you can do to help break through weight loss plateaus.

One common tactic is to make slight adjustments to your diet or exercise routine. If you’re stuck at a weight loss plateau, try switching up your eating habits by eating more protein or fruits and vegetables. Or try increasing your activity level by taking a long walk instead of sitting on the couch all day.

If you still don’t see any progress after making these changes, it might be time to ask for help from a friend or family member. They can hold you accountable and help you stay on track. And if you still find yourself struggling to lose weight, there are many weight loss programs available that can help get you back on track.

The 7 common weight loss plateaus

There are many weight loss plateaus, but they all have one thing in common: you’re not making any progress. Whether you’re not losing any weight at all, or you only lose a small amount each week, you might be stuck at a certain weight. If this is your situation, here are seven tips to help break through your weight loss plateau.

  1. Track your progress. This is the most important step when it comes to breaking through a weight loss plateau. Not only will it help you stay motivated, but knowing where you stand will give you a clearer idea of where to focus your efforts. Write down what you eat and how much exercise you get every day so that you can track your progress over time.
  • Change up your routine. When things start to feel stagnant, it can be helpful to shake things up a bit and try a new approach. This could mean switching up your diet or adding in some extra cardio sessions into your routine.
  • Cut out processed foods and sugary drinks. These foods are often contributors to weight gain and obesity, so eliminating them from your diet can take a big chunk out of the calories that are keeping you stuck on the Weight Loss Plateau Wall.
  • Cut back on portions if necessary. If eating less food isn’t helping push you past your weight loss plateau, maybe it’s time to adjust how much food you’re actually eating― by reducing the size of your portions.
  • Avoid restrictive diets. Restrictive diets are often difficult to stick with, and they often don’t work in the long run. If you’re looking for an easy way out of your weight loss plateau, steer clear of rigid diet plans that require you to completely change what you eat. Instead, try dietary tweaks that will help you drop pounds gradually and safely.
  • Consult a nutritionist or doctor. If you’re struggling to lose weight, it might be time to see a professional. A nutritionist can help you understand which foods and supplements are best for losing weight, while a doctor can provide medical advice if needed.

How to break through the fat burning plateau

There are a few things you can do to help break through weight loss plateaus. Practice intermittent fasting. This means that you eat normally for 16-20 hours each day, with the exception of two meals that are 2-4 hours apart. This allows your body to burn more calories during the rest of the time. Drink plenty of water. Drinking lots of water helps you stay hydrated and minimizes the number of calories you consume. Include healthy foods in your diet. Including healthy foods in your diet will help you make sure that you’re getting the nutrients your body needs to burn calories effectively. Make physical activity a part of your everyday routine. Doing physical activity throughout the day can help you burn more calories and keep your metabolism going strong.

How to break through the muscle building plateau

If you’ve been struggling to lose weight and finally hit a weight loss plateau, don’t worry. This is totally normal and there are several things you can do to break through it. In this blog post, we’re going to share five tips that can help you break through your weight loss plateau and start seeing results again.

  • Set realistic goals : It’s tempting to keep trying to reach unrealistic goals, but if you want to see lasting changes in your weight, it’s important to set achievable goals that are still challenging but not impossible. When you have easily attainable goals that challenge you, it will be much easier to stay motivated and keep up with your weight loss progress.
  • Work out consistently : One of the most important things for breaking through a weight loss plateau is to make sure that you’re actually exercising. If you aren’t using all of your available energy by working out, then chances are you aren’t burning as many calories as you should be. A good way to test whether or not you are burning enough calories is by using an online calorie calculator or tracking software like Fitbit or Lifesum .
  • Make healthy eating habits a priority : If you want to see real long-term results when trying to lose weight, making healthy eating habits a priority is key. Make sure that each meal includes fiber , protein and nutrient-rich foods so that your body has everything it needs to burn calories.
  • Try new foods and supplements : Sometimes, even when you make healthy eating habits a priority, it can be difficult to stay on track if there are no tasty or easy-to-digest options around you. If this is the case for you, try experimenting with new foods and supplements to see if they help jump start your weight loss process. Some great options include green tea extract or intermittent fasting , both of which have been linked with weight loss goals.
  • Experiment with different exercise routines : When it comes to breaking through a weight loss plateau, sometimes trying different exercise routines can be the most effective way to get Motivated. If you’re finding that one routine isn’t working for you, switch up your exercises and see if that makes a difference. There are many different types of workouts available online, so take a look at some of the most popular ones to find one that’s right for you.

How to break through the energy plateau

There are many factors that contribute to weight loss plateaus, but the most common culprit is simply not eating enough. While changing your diet and exercise habits may help you lose weight in short bursts, eventually you’ll hit a point where the number on the scale doesn’t budge. At this point, it can be tough to motivate yourself to continue losing weight.

The good news is there are various ways to break through a weight loss plateau. Here are four tips for breaking through a plateau:

  • Take the time to assess your diet and caloric intake. If you aren’t seeing any significant change in your weight despite making healthy changes to your diet and exercise habits, it’s likely because you’re not eating enough. It can be easy to fall into a rut and start automatically eating the same amount every day without really noticing or thinking about it. To break through a weight loss plateau, take the time to track how many calories you are consuming each day and make sure you are hitting your recommended nutritional intake.
  • Add more variety into your workouts. Frequent sessions of only cardio or strength training can lead to a weight loss plateau because your body gets used to the same routine. Mix up your workouts by adding in more cardio, strength training, or even balance and agility exercises to keep your body challenged and motivated.
  • Take a break from dieting. Dieting can be tough, especially if you’ve been trying to lose weight for awhile. If you hit a weight loss plateau, take some time off from dieting and see how your body reacts. Normally, once your body adjusts to not being restricted by food, it will start to burn more calories naturally. Give your body time to stabilize and then gradually reintroduce healthier eating habits into your lifestyle.


After following a strict diet and exercising consistently, many people find themselves at a plateau. It can be frustrating to feel like you’re making progress but not seeing any results, especially if you are already thin. Despite popular belief, weight loss plateaus aren’t always permanent; in fact, there are strategies for breaking through them. Here are seven tips for overcoming weight loss plateaus:

  • Make sure to eat frequent small meals instead of one large meal every day. This will help keep your blood sugar stable and prevent you from feeling famished between meals.
  • Avoid skipping meals altogether – even on days when you don’t have time to eat breakfast or lunch. Skipping meals can lead to calorie depletion and negative effects on your metabolism such as lower energy levels, cravings more frequently and muscle loss.
  • Incorporate high- quality protein into each meal to support muscle growth and prevent weight gain. Protein provides satiety which helps you avoid overeating later on in the day. Choose lean sources of protein such as legumes, seafood or poultry instead of processed foods that may contain unhealthy fats and sugars.* Studies have shown that individuals who consume more than 56 grams (2 ounces) per day of high-quality protein have a lower risk of developing obesity or type 2 diabetes.*
  • Drink plenty of water whether you’re eating or not; thirst is one of our body’s natural signals for drinking enough fluids.* Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration which increases the likelihood of experiencing hunger pangs, fatigue and headaches among other health problems.* Water also boosts metabolic rate by increasing thermogenesis – the body’s ability to burn calories*

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